Are recreational and medical marijuana laws different in MI?

The interesting part of the regulations on medical and recreational marijuana was that without a medical marijuana card, you had to pay an additional excise tax, which more than doubled the amount of taxes paid on medical marijuana

Knowing Lowell, MI has both recreational and medical marijuana laws in the books, I wanted to do some research before moving there. I knew about their dual law, but I wanted to know if they have different laws for the medical marijuana than for the recreational marijuana. My sister has lived there for almost ten years, so I asked her. I had a medical marijuana card, but if I didn’t need to purchase one, I wanted to know what the laws were. She told me the laws were the same for both medical and recreational marijuana. She showed me an article that was written on 1/3/2023, and that was recent. It highlights several key statements that I was interested in. Adults over 21 could possess up to 2 and a half ounces of marijuana, or grow up to 12 plants if it was for personal use inside their homes. You could possess up to ten ounces of marijuana inside your home. There was a difference between 2 ½ ounces, which is on your person, and ten ounces inside the house. Medical and recreational marijuana users had the same regulation and possession/cultivation limits. The interesting part of the regulations on medical and recreational marijuana was that without a medical marijuana card, you had to pay an additional excise tax, which more than doubled the amount of taxes paid on medical marijuana. As long as I had a medical marijuana card, I was going to keep it. For what I had to pay extra in taxes, I was more than paying for the medical marijuana card already, and saving money.


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