I was visiting my aunt in Muskegon and wanted marijuana.

I was visiting my aunt in Muskegon, MI last month.

I had recently gotten married, and I wanted her to get to know my wife.

I was sure Aunt Jeanine would adore her, and it was time we got to visit her. While there, I wanted to purchase marijuana. Aunt Jeanine was always the black sheep in the family, because she believed in natural medicine and said marijuana was as natural as it got. Now that recreational marijuana was legal, it cost more, but aunt Jeanine didn’t need to worry about getting her medical marijuana card. She said she could get 2 ½ ounces of marijuana and no one would bother her. I wanted to purchase marijuana on my way to visit her, and give it to her as an love you present. When we got to the dispensary, I forgot to bring my wallet, and I didn’t have my driver’s license. My wife, luckily, had her purse with her. She purchased the marijuana, and we headed out. Once we got to Aunt Jeanine’s house, we were so excited to see her we forgot to bring the marijuana into the house. She looked around and sniffed my jacket, then asked where I left her present. My wife laughed and said it was in the car. We forgot that the smell of the marijuana was lingering on our clothing, but Aunt Jeanine noticed. We were having such a good time talking to Aunt Jeanine and getting to know her again that we never got a hotel room. We ended up spending the entire week with her and doing some sightseeing.


Pot Delivery Muskegon MI