Visiting the Denver art Museum for fun

Ever since I had that fatal accident 3 years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would do everything I wanted when I still had time, and it was a alarming moment for our parents & siblings as I slipped in & out of a comma… At some point, the dentists almost gave up on me, however I kept fighting, then thankfully, I got out of it alive & strong & with a resolve to like life more because I never knew when I would actually go for good! Before the life-increasing moment, I had been fearful & reserved about doing some things.

In fact, I could always chicken out of seemingly hard situations last hour, but however, this accident changed everything.

I would try everything I ever wished for, including smoking cannabis; So when our dad recommended a trip to Denver, I quickly looked it up. The two of us shared a like for art, & the suggestion to visit the Denver art museum was superb for both of us. She wanted us to bond, so I agreed on the condition that she would allow myself and others to get some cannabis at the dispensaries in Denver since it was legal there. Surprisingly, she did not object & even remarked that it would be a superb way to remember the outdated campus days. After our trip to the museum, every one of us passed by a joint back to the hotel & purchased a few products, then later that evening, after dinner, every one of us relaxed & appreciated smoking the cannabis every one of us had purchased earlier. It was a relaxed evening that I look back to & mark as one of the best reflective moments with our dad. It was pretty cool hanging out with him in this manner. It may have been different, but it was still good.

Weed Denver, Colorado