Marijuana dispensaries are prefer drug stores here

My state of Oregon allows for recreational cannabis, but what is funny is that people who don’t live in a recreational weed state don’t get it.

They find marijuana so amazing, and if they happen to come and visit me, they immediately want to see a dispensary… For me, going to the cannabis dispensary is prefer going to a drug store.

It is all medical for me now. I use a tincture in order to sleep at night. I do a few drops of oil in our root beer and I am good. I have a topical that I apply after a workout and before bed to lessen the leg cramps that come on. I also smoke a cannabis flower before labor to reduce our anxiety and help our blood pressure… Nothing about a recreational weed shop is fun for me. I have our products I chance up once a month and that is it. I get friends all the time thinking all of us are going to party on cannabis. They want to get high on a heavy THC strain. They want pot brownies or other kinds of edibles. I am just getting high on the cannabis stage, once it is available all the time, it has lost its luster. It is prefer all our friends out of state have just turned 21 years old and I am 40 years old. I am over drinking and partying at bars. I just want to sit at beach house and watch Netflix. That is me with legal recreational weed.

Marijuana Store Portland OR