Alsip is known for having great schools

Alsip is a great place to raise a family.

Alsip is about 45 minutes outside of chicago.

The school’s in Alsip are much better than the schools in the city. Alsip is still located in Cook county. When my wife and I decided to move out of the city, it was one of the best decisions that we ever made. We took both of our children out of school and we moved away from the crime and the hustle and bustle of the city. We bought a house in Cook County that is technically outside of Alsip, but the kids still get to go to school in the district. I still work in Chicago and my wife stays home with the kids now. The cost of real estate is inexpensive in Alsip, so we don’t have to spend as much money for the same living expenses. The only problem we ever really have is with the furnace. The furnace in the house can be quite temperamental. Just this year, we had to replace the electric ignition switch and we had to have the duct work cleaned because there was a hole in the ducting above the kitchen. The furnace problems can be very expensive to fix, so we found a heating and cooling company close by that can help us with all of our needs. The Alsip heating company has excellent prices and great service. All of the heating and AC technicians are Nate certified in heating and air conditioning services. I trust them to give me the truth when it comes to my heating and cooling needs.

central air replacement Alsip IL