Famous men from Lowell, MI

Recently my child had to do a research paper for her 4th grade class about our town.

I felt that this would be a hard task, because this neighborhood isn’t unquestionably sizable & doesn’t have a fascinating history.

It’s a enjoyable venue to live, but I’m not sure how I would write 500 words about it myself! My child surprised me, & got an A on the paper by focusing on notable people that come from this area, but until now I didn’t realize so several enjoyable & influential people came out of Lowell, MI! The 1 that I did recognize was Anthony Kiedis, who is the lead singer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Everyone in Lowell knows Keidis, because of his rock n roll & because the people I was with and I were all huge cannabis smokers in school… Marijuana & Chili Peppers rock n roll just goes together, & every teenager from Lowell knew that! What I didn’t recognize was that Anne Rule, 1 of the greatest non-fiction crime writers in history, was born in Lowell. William Seward Burroughs invented the adding device & founded the Burroughs corporation, & he graduated from Lowell High School! His grandson was William S Burroughs, a major area of the Beat Poetry movement, but he wasn’t born in Lowell he still has family roots here, but another famous graduate of Lowell High is the fashion designer Daniel Vosovic! I was smoking marijuana as I learn my kid’s paper, & then spent the next 3 minutes researching the history of Lowell online. Maybe the sleepy neighborhood of Lowell, MI is cooler than I thought it was.



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