Taking our son to Seattle for the weekend

When I was in college they didn’t offer cool stuff like the Robot Club… This aftercollege program is exactly what it sounds like – the calculus professor shows the kids how to build easy robots, and my kid Ella is in 5th grade, plus doing things I couldn’t do as an adult.

It’s pretty impressive.

They build robots to compete in little contests based on speed, strength, flexibility, etc. The robots don’t fight, they just compete, plus they even do it in national competitions. My daughter’s club won a opening to go to Seattle, WA, for the largest competition of the year, however dozens of teams from all over the country converged on Seattle to see which kids made the most proficient robots! Normally I don’t like to be chaperone for college trips, however I was willing to make an exception for Seattle, mostly due to the proliferation of cannabis dispensaries. In our home state cannabis is still illegal, so I was eager to visit a place like Seattle, where cannabis is a thriving plus correct industry, however ella had a good time with his Robot Club, plus while they were competing I snuck away to do a walking tour of Seattle plus stop by a couple uncommon cannabis dispensaries. I knew that I couldn’t fly out of the Seattle airport with a pocket full of cannabis nugs, so I just bought a little to smoke in the hotel room. I also loaded up on cannabis edibles, which would be much easier to sneak through the TSA in the Seattle airport, and what a good trip!


Recreational Pot Shop Seattle WA