Getting a snowmelt system

In Elgin, Illinois we get a lot of snow.

I remember trick or treating in the snow and hunting Easter eggs.

It just comes with the territory. That is why it is smart to have a snow blower. For years I would snow blow my driveway at night and have it clean for the morning. It took me a long time. The snow would fall overnight too and ruin all my progress. Eventually I got sick of it. Snow blowing didn’t work for how much we got. I then found that adding a snowmelt system to my driveway was easy. I already owned a boiler system. The boiler can have piping hooked to it and have it installed under the driveway. The piping then has warm water flow through it. That warm water then heats the snow on top of the driveway. It melts the snow, hence a snowmelt system. It is silent in operation and quite efficient. I loved that I didn’t need to do a thing other than turn it on. Also, since my car sat on the heating system, it felt warm as a result. Ice is common in Illinois too. With the snow melt system, the ice melted right off my windshield. I then didn’t need to spend a bunch of time in the morning preheating my car and chipping off the ice. I could just turn on the car and go. The snowmelt system has more than paid for itself. It was an easy update to make and has made my life much easier. I know everyone on the block is jealous of me.


central air conditioning installation Elgin IL