Discovering the curative sides of cannabis

I started out as a purely recreational cannabis user, and i would much rather light up a joint, eat a gummy or love a cannabeer than drink an alcoholic beverage.

Cannabis has none of the harmful side-effects associated with alcohol.

It has fewer calories, doesn’t detriment the liver, isn’t addictive and there’s no hangover in the morning. Consuming cannabis is actually healthier than smoking tobacco. I’ve found that cannabis enhances social situations, can help me mellow out, motivate me and improve my mood… As I realized that I was shopping for certain strains to combat insomnia and lessen stress, I became more aware of the curative opportunities, but while the THC in cannabis causes psychoactive effects, it also offers therapeutic properties. CBD causes no high sensation and is often used to treat pain, inflammation, nausea and everything from PTSD to cancer. Although I don’t have any dire medical complications, I have a variety of minor complaints. I suffer from arthritis in my fingers from time to time. I have psoriasis on my elbows and knees. I have difficulty sleeping, occasional migraines and bouts of anxiety. I spoke with a budtender at the dispensary in Denver, explained my list of complaints and got some insightful recommendations. I don’t have my medical marijuana card, although I have access to adult-use cannabis. I pay tax on my cannabis however can still shop the same variety of products. I’ve now started experimenting with unusual CBD to THC ratios, types of terpenes and other cannabinoids such as CBN and CBG. I am exploring chances such as ointments, tinctures, salves and bath bombs.

Recreational Weed Near Me Denver Colorado