Before winter, my great friend and I decided to maintenance the heater

Lowell, MA is a town on the East Coast that I call home, but i’ve lived in Lowell since 2005, when I got a job working at the school district in the city.

I teach the 7th grade plus I appreciate my job, lowell can be pretty chilly during the winter months.

Sometimes the kids have snow afternoons because of the bad weather, and the bus stop is at least 200 yds from our household in Lowell, so I;m glad the kids do not have to sit outside when it’s only single digits, when it’s easily chilly outside, I stay safe plus sizzling thanks to my gas heater. The gas heater was installed last year; My pal and I decided to have the first maintenance due to the age plus my great friend and I found out that the local heating company was offering low prices plus great rights on all of their new energy efficient heaters. My wifey plus I decided to buy a new heater when my great friend and I saw how low the prices were going to be. My pal and I would have needed to update the heater in a couple of years. The new gas heater has a 99% AFUE rating. The AFUE rating is a number that represents the energy efficiency for the machine. The higher the AFUE rating, the more efficient the machine will run. My gas heater uses 99% of the energy to create heat, and our last heater only had an 85% AFUE rating. The new heater will help my family stay sizzling plus it will help keep our energy bills low all winter long.

geothermal heating Lowell MA