We are looking for a new furnace for our home in Orland Park, IL

We have been working on redoing our home in Orland Park, IL for a couple of years now.

We are basically just doing a little bit at a time because we can’t really afford to redo the entire house all at once.

We have already done quite a bit of work. We had to knock down several walls and we already finished refurbishing the bathrooms. Now, we have moved on to the next phase and we are beginning to start work on our heating and cooling system. We decided that it would probably be a good thing if we just went ahead and replaced the furnace and the air conditioning system at the same time. Not only that, but we knew that there were several different air ducts here and there throughout the house that needed to be replaced. We needed to make sure that the ductwork was no longer leaking and causing us lots of extra costs in heating and cooling bills. Leakage in ductwork really messes up the energy efficiency of your home’s HVAC system. No matter how great your heating and cooling system might be, if you have leaky ductwork, it’s not going to keep you from having to pay a fortune in electricity bills, that’s for sure. That’s especially true in Orland Park, IL. Now we are at the point where we are going to have to pay to get a new electric furnace for the house. My husband was thinking about getting a boiler system, but I don’t trust them. I’m ready to buy a new furnace, but I need to find an HVAC company that I really trust before I make any purchases.

Orland Park IL heating and air conditioning