Dual fuel plan could work in Minnesota

It uses clean, renewable energy that saves me money, then on colder evenings the device automatically swings settings to gas heating

I wanted to own a heat pump system for a long time, then when I moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota I figured those dreams were over; Have you ever looked at the weather report there? The weather basically is cold cold all year long. Winters in the single digits plus snow all the time, and the Summer season barely needs a cooling system; So owning a heat pump seems stupid… I liked the stats though. I liked the idea of not having HVAC duct in my home. I wanted to do Heating plus A/C zone control. I liked that a heat pump does green heating. It uses existing heat energy to convey it room to room in the house. The snag is that when the temperatures drop below cold, you’re screwed. The heat pump can’t do its job anymore… More modern, high efficiency heat pumps are better at it, however not great. It is better to own a boiler or a heater. I then found online that you can do a dual fuel system or a hybrid furnace it is called. This is where you pair a heat pump with a heater. So for most of the year I can rely on a heat pump to provide energy smart heating plus cooling. It uses clean, renewable energy that saves me money, then on colder evenings the device automatically swings settings to gas heating. Then the furnace tags in plus I never experience a cold burst. So I save as much as my Minneapolis, Minnesota property will let me. It is not the device’s fault that I live in a cold location.


radiant heater in Minneapolis Minnesota