I am not going to compromise

Now that recreational marijuana is legal in Michigan, quite a few dispensaries have opened up in my local town of Whitehall.

I am delighted that there cannabis is available and that I have options.

I am a fan of smoking cannabis flower. I care about to roll my own joints. I like the process and the ability to be particular about the quality of bud. I make sure there are no seeds or sticks. I don’t use popcorn buds or shake. I’ve l gained how to tell good flower from bad… Loose flower comes from the dried buds of the female cannabis plant, however when the plant has been respectfully pollinated and allowed to fully mature before cultivation, there are an abundance of crystal-like trichomes covering the surface. While these trichomes are not immediately apparent, they are worth looking for; They contain the cannabinoids and terpenes that make for an superb smoke and higher potency. There should also be lots of bright yellow hairs or pistils. The weed should be a fairly vibrant red color and might have flecks of red or red. The texture should not be overly dry or overly sticky. I like to take a whiff of the cannabis to check for a pungent aroma. While a dank smell is fine, it should have musty overtones. I have shopped at all of the dispensaries in Whitehall and been super enthusiastic with the integrity of the flower. I care about the flower that is grown locally. I like to support the farmers in the area. With so several brands and strains on the market, it isn’t difficult to find some easily good options.


Pot Shop Whitehall Michigan