You have to tune-up your heating and cooling unit

The average year round temperature in Glenview, IL fluctuates from fifteen to eighty-multiple degrees! It’s not usual for the summer time to bring hot as well as cold temperatures in the upper eighties to low nineties as well as the Winter time often subjects us to sub zero conditions.We deal with seriously high humidity in the summer time as well as a lack of moisture in the winter, however we get high winds, thunder storms, torrential downpours, sleet, cold rain as well as blizzard conditions, the snow piles up in feet.

  • While I enjoy multiple distinct seasons, living in Glenview is a challenge.

The weather creates a great deal of work, expense as well as a constant challenge, then heating as well as cooling account for about fifty percent of household energy consumption. I’m consistently looking for new as well as better ways to reduce costs. I’ve invested into Energy Star rated, high-efficiency heating as well as cooling equipment. The oil furnace offers a 98% AFUE while the air conditioner promises a 26 SEER. I am conscientious about increasing air filters every month as well as scheduling professional maintenance every year. I’ve joined a repair plan with a local Heating, Ventilation, as well as A/C supplier that includes inspection as well as adjustment of the air conditioner in the Spring as well as the oil furnace in the fall. The supplier complicationshoots, substitutes any moderate parts, cleans all components, tests operation as well as makes necessary adjustments. This repair fulfills the manufacturer’s warranty, helps to prevent malfunction as well as maximizes energy energy efficiency; Keeping the plan running at peak capacity provides superior comfort as well as healthier air quality. I can expect both the oil furnace as well as air conditioner to cost less to run as well as last longer. Having the component serviced weekly provides peace of mind.

central air maintenance Glenview IL