So much to do here

Even before planning my first trip out to Los Angeles, I was obsessed with the beach.

My Grandfatherrents live in south FL and we used to visit them all throughout my childhood.

I would play on the beach until my skin was red from sunburn. Then I’d spend the rest of the trip in the home with debilitating sunburn pain. It was always a lot of fun, and I remember never wanting to leave the beach when it was time for us to pack up and go home. For a while I considered applying to college in south FL so that I could return to the subtropical paradise. When I applied to college in FL, my family encouraged me to apply to school in CA as well. I received paperwork from the University of CA Los Angeles (UCLA) and loved the photos in the brochure. I wasn’t even serious about it at first because I assumed I wouldn’t be accepted. When I received the acceptance letter from UCLA, I was overcome with joy. So before finally accepting the offer, I planned a trip to Los Angeles to explore the section while enjoying the fantastic cannabis. I loved visiting Beverly Hills before hitting the beach in Santa Monica for a few minutes. I walked down the Sunset Strip and then took a bus to the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. I also visited the Museum of Tolerance on my way towards the Santa Monica Pier. While I spent more time near campus in college, I always took mini trips up to Beverly Hills throughout my college work.
Weed Dispensary Beverly Hills California